
雷辉 学术报告

来源:     发布日期:2015-06-11    浏览次数:

报告人:雷辉,IBM云计算技术总监,(美国IBM Watson研究院)
报告题目: Business Transformation with the Cloud and Big Data

Abstract:Cloud computing and big data are transforming the business operations in many enterprises. Until recently, it was commonly recognized that there were two distinct classes of enterprise applications: namely Systems of Record and Systems of Engagement. While Systems of Record are traditional enterprise systems that maintain core business data such as those related to transactions, user demographics, and pricing, Systems of Engagement leverage new mobile and social networking capabilities to support loose and ephemeral interactions across employees and customers. With the advent of cloud computing, it is possible to integrate Systems of Record and Systems of Engagement at an unprecedented scale and speed. Key business insight can be generated from such integration, which can then be exploited to transform the way enterprises conduct their business. This has led to a new class of emerging, high-value enterprise applications called Systems of Insight. In this talk, I will discuss several examples of Systems of Insight developed at IBM Research, including novel business solutions that make use of social analytics and telematics analytics. I will also present a common platform for System-of-Insight as a Service, which addresses some key challenges in managing Systems of Insight throughout the lifecycle of development, deployment, and runtime.
Speaker Biography:Hui Lei is Senior Manager of the Cloud Platform Technologies Department at the IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, and co-leads IBM's worldwide research strategy in cloud infrastructure services and cloud managed services, CTO of IBM Health Cloud. He is a member of the IBM Academy of Technology, and has assumed various management, strategy, and technical leadership roles at IBM Research. His broad research interest spans cloud computing, mobile computing, service-oriented computing, and business process management. His work has impacted numerous IBM software and services products, and has received extensive media coverage. Dr. Lei is Chair of IEEE Computer Society’s Technical Committee on Business Informatics and Systems and is a member of the IEEE Computer Society Golden Core. He has participated in many international conferences as a General Chair, Program Chair, or keynote speaker. He is an Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, a steering committee member of the IEEE Cloud Computing magazine, and the steering committee chair of the IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering. He received a PhD in Computer Science from Columbia University.

