

来源:     发布日期:2022-09-21    浏览次数:


报告地点: 线上腾讯会议,会议ID905300974

报告题目:Linear Codes from Nonliner Functions(利用非线性函数构造线性码)

Abstract: The construction of linear codes with optimal and good parameters has been an interesting and fruitful topic in the past decades. While it’s generally challenging to determine the parameters, such as minimum distance, covering radius, weight enumerator, of a given linear code, it is possible to investigate the problem when the code is derived in some way from nonlinear functions with special properties, like optimal differential uniformity and few-value Walsh spectra. Consequently, researchers have proposed a great number of linear codes from nonlinear functions with desirable cryptographic properties, for which the parameters can be determined. In this talk, I will survey some important results that have stimulated researches on the topic and some of our contributions in this area.


Bio: Chunlei Li received the Ph.D. degree from the University of Bergen, Norway in 2014. He was a postdoc at the Univer- sity of Stavanger, Norway, during 2015-2017, and a researcher at the University of Bergen during 2017-2018. Since 2018, he has been an associate professor with the Department of Informatics, University of Bergen. His research interests include sequence design, coding theory and crpytography. He was the program co-chairman of the workshop SEquences and Their Applications (SETA20), 2020 and a TPC member of the workshops WAIFI19, SETA18, IWSDA19/22, BFA20/21/22, WCC2022 and ITW2023.

报告人介绍:李春雷,博士,挪威卑尔根大学教授。2014年在挪威卑尔根大学获得博士学位,2015—2017年在挪威斯塔万格大学(University of Stavanger)从事博士后研究工作,2018年加入挪威卑尔根大学(University of Bergen)信息系。研究领域包括序列设计、代数编码、密码学及其在安全云存储中的应用。近年来在《IEEE Transaction on Information Theory》,《Design Codes and Cryptography》,《Finite Fields and Their Applications》等国际知名期刊上发表高质量学术论文40余篇,其发表的论文近5年内的引用次数为500余次。曾担任SETA20WAIFI19SETA18IWSDA19/22BFA20/21/22WCC2022以及 ITW2023等多个国际会议的组委会和程序委员会委员。

