

来源:     发布日期:2014-06-06    浏览次数:







报  告人:美国北卡大学夏洛特分校王胜国教授


Transmission Data

Compression of Remote Networked Control Systems via Model Reduction Method


摘要:This talk will present a new approach to reduce the data transmitted

in networked control systems (NCSs) via model reduction method. Based on the

controllability and observability of the remote controlled plant, the

\"unimportant\" information of system states vector is truncated by balanced

truncation method (BTM) before sending to the controller via network. The

exponential stability condition of the truncated NCSs is derived via linear

matrix inequality (LMI) forms. This method of data truncation can usually

reduce the time delay and further improve the performance of the NCSs.

Furthermore, the optimization of NCSs is discussed by utilizing this fact.

The simulation validates the correctness of the results.


The partial major contributions of our paper include that (1) up to our best

knowledge, we are the first to introduce the model reduction into NCS to

reduce data transmission; and (2) the exponential stability condition is

given based on the NCS with reduced data via BTM.




Prof. Sheng-Guo Wang received the B.S. and M.S. in EE from University of

Science and Technology of China in 1967 and 1981, respectively, and the

Ph.D. in ECE from University of Houston in 1994.


     He is a tenured Full Professor at University of North Carolina at

Charlotte.   He has published more than 100 papers in journals and

conferences, and been the PI for numerous research projects since 1974. His

research work has been supported by NSF, NCDOT, Tellabs, HP, Agilent, NASA,

ARO, British Council, and China Railway.


    He is a frequent reviewer for more than 30 international journals and

more than 10 international conferences.   He has served as a Program

Committee Member (IPC) for about 20 times, and more than 10 times as Session

Chair/co-Chair for international conferences.  He has also served as an

Associate Editor for JDSMC, JCTA, and IEEE MSC, etc.


    His current research interests include systems, circuits, control,

modeling, robust control, network, mathematical and numerical analysis,

algorithms, applications, etc.


    Prof. Wang is a recipient of China National Science Conference Prize

1978 (one of the highest academic awards in China) and many other academic

awards, including the Best Session Paper Presentation Award of 2001 ACC, the

inventor award for UNC Charlotte Invention 2001, an Outstanding Faculty

Award at PVAMU 1997, Sigma Xi Research Excellence Award (UH Chapter) 1994,

British Council Scholarship 1989.  His membership includes IEEE, ASME, ASEE,

Sigma Xi, and Tau Beta Pi.  He has been a senior member of IEEE since 1997.





