芬兰赫尔辛基大学(University of Helsinki)数学与统计系教授Stefan A.H. Geritz于6月19日—7月3日来欧洲杯正规下单平台进行系列学术研讨与交流。
报告题目:The effect of noise and delays on the behavior of a population, and the need to be specific about the underlying mechanisms
报告摘要:A population is an ensemble of interacting individuals, and population behavior ultimately is the consequence of the behavior of these individuals. A population model therefore can be derived from a model of the behavior of the individuals. Following this procedure, different models for the individuals still can lead to the very same model for the population. So it seems that the underlying behavior of the individuals is not at all that important. However, if additional processes such as environmental noise, demographic noise or developmental delays are incorporated into to the model, then they can affect the population behavior in different ways depending on the underlying model for the individuals.
报告人简介:Stefan A.H. Geritz教授主要研究领域为自适应动力学理论及随机种群模型在生态系统中的应用。Stefan A.H. Geritz教授是自适应动力学理论的共同创始人之一,发表了40多篇论文,总的引用次数为2295次,H-指数为18,其论文Metz et al. 1992与Geritz et al. 1998已被引用564次和722次。目前担任“Theory in Biosciences”等国际杂志的编委。